The World

Sometimes, the world is so small.
All that matters is that I am okay, and I'm doing well. I had a good day. I got what I wanted. Sure, I messed up but I wasn't as bad as her and I will be okay but wait what's this.
Every hair in not in place
there is a zit on my face and
I know everyone will notice and no one will think I'm beautiful because I am ugly and
How could she say that to me? How could he do that to me? This is the worst thing ever and nobody has it as hard as me and not one has felt the same as me and I I I.
Sometimes, the world is so large.
The people I know at school,
the people I know at work,
the people I know at church
from trips
from parties
from mutual friends.
All with stories and hurts and dreams and fears. All play a part in my life and every hello will eventually end with a good-bye and everything living will eventually die.
And these are only the people I know, not to mention the people I see, hear about, read about, know about. Or the people I know nothing of and their stories. The world is a tragic place and there is so much pain and hurt and I want to help but I cannot help them all, my heart cannot love them all, and I cannot make a difference in all of their lives.
So what do I do with this world? This world which either squeezes my head with all of it's inward focus or hollows my heart with the empty ache of it's vastness.
Then I remember that I am to set my mind on things above. I am not of this world and that is why I cannot get comfortable in it. I am not to look either in or out but up to where my Maker is.
He created me and knows me at my darkest and loves me the same. He has numbered every hair on my head and He knows the days set before me. He not only knows the hairs on my head but on the heads of my friends and neighbors and students and acquaintances and the people that I know nothing of. He can help those I can't reach and He can love those I cannot hold in my heart and He can make a difference in all of their lives.
This world, this life, it's not about me. It's not about them. It is all about Him.
If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
Colossians 3:1-4
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