Every Seed Dies Before It Grows

I have a mix of rocks and seeds
Some are wants and some are needs 
And my worried little heart, it bleeds
For they all look alike 

Some are my wishes and my dreams 
Some are my best plans and schemes
Most of which I guess it seems 
Are hard to tell between 

Some have come from my heart 
Some are the Master's work of art
Some are close some far apart 
And I don't know which to plant 

Say there's a seed I want to keep 
Or a rock who's harvest I'll never reap 
Or a dream who's ending is just so cheap 
What will I do then? 

But to bury or plant is all the same 
It merely has a different name 
And I can avoid much hurt and shame
By putting them in the ground 

To lay them all to die again 
Whether hope or wish or dream or sin 
I know the only way to win 
Is to willingly lose it all 

So I plant them all in the Master's field 
My rocks to rest and my seeds to yield 
And this I know the promise sealed
One must die to truly live 

Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. ~John 12:24

You foolish person! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies.
~ 2 Corinthians 15:36


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